Do I Need A Personal Injury Attorney?
Earlier this month, a Houston law firm settled a personal injury claim out of court for a total of $688,000. A truck driver had fallen asleep at the wheel and veered over into another lane, colliding with another vehicle. The driver of the other vehicle had to undergo extensive surgery and rehabilitation which cost him thousands of dollars in medical bills and lost wages. The insurance company had originally offered him a settlement of a mere $2,500. Fortunately, he spoke with a personal injury attorney before quickly settling with the original offer.
This is a prime example of why it is important to speak with a personal injury lawyer before settling with an insurance company. These personal injuries can be the result of another party’s negligence or wrongful doing and can cost you thousands of dollars. Here at Hensley Law Firm, we will review your case and help you defend your rights.
Here are some commonly asked questions about personal injury lawyers:
When should I hire a personal injury law firm?
Right away so you can have someone to talk to the insurance company on your behalf. They will get a recorded statement and size you up on the first phone call.
Do I need a personal injury attorney?
Yes, in most cases, if you are injured and need medical treatment.
Can a lawyer help me with paying for my medical treatment?
Yes, a lawyer can arrange payment options with Financial Companies or some doctors directly if the lawyers are honest and have a good reputation in the community.
Who do I look for in a personal injury lawyer?
You want a lawyer that will take your case to court if you get a low-ball settlement offer from the insurance company, which happens a lot now days.
How do I know if they go to court?
ASK them – “When was the last jury trial you had?” If it’s been more than 2 years, they don’t regularly go to court and will probably not get a very good offer from the insurance company, because all insurance companies keep track of who goes to court and who doesn’t.
There is a time limit to when victims of personal injury can file a claim, so please do not wait to contact Hensley Law Firm. We don’t charge to review your case. Our reasonable fees are charged only if there is a settlement. Let us be your advocate and fight for you!